If you are on Airbnb, it's tempting to take photographs yourself.
However, AirBnB, recommend that you use a professional photographer, here's why.
First impressions really do matter.
My expertise can help you transform your listing, making it stand out from the crowd.

What Airbnb say about using a professional photographer.
Calculating the value of professional photography.
Listings with professional photos tend to earn 40% more, get booked 24% more often, and can charge a 26% higher nightly price. These numbers are based on a 2016 study of more than 100,000 listings with and without professional photography.
Please keep in mind that every listing is different and improvements may vary.
40% increase in earnings.
Hosts with professional photos tend to earn more than other hosts in their area.

24% more bookings.
Photos are one of the top reasons guests choose to book.
26% higher nightly price.
Many hosts are able to raise their nightly price after upgrading their photos.

Professional photographs can help your listing stand out, no matter the size or style.
I'll spend about an hour photographing your space. You’ll get 2-3 photos per room plus detail shots.
Your new photos will be available within a day or two, checked, revised and edited.
Airbnb Guidelines for photography.
Photography style
Photos highlight what makes your home beautiful and unique, while helping to set your guests’ expectations. To make sure photos accurately represent your home, I follow Airbnb's guidelinesduring the shoot.
Photographers will not use:
- Fish eye or super wide angle lenses to make rooms appear larger than they really are.
- Flashes to enhance the brightness of the space.
- Over-processing to unnaturally amplify details. This means that they’re usually unable to take photographs that capture views outside of windows.
- Unusual angles that wouldn’t be seen by someone standing normally in the space.
To ensure that photos use only natural lighting, we’ll only schedule photo shoots for daylight hours. You can always take your own photos during sunrise, sunset, or at night, and upload them to your listing.
How you should prepare for the photo shoot.
After you’ve arranged a photoshoot, here are some tips to help you prepare beforehand:
- Open any blinds or curtains to allow natural light in
- Organise or put away objects that clutter your space, and remove anything you don't want to appear in the photographs (valuables, personal items etc.)
- Think about how you might want to highlight amenities your guest will enjoy
- Make your beds with clean sheets
- Tidy up surfaces and bedside tables
- Open the shower curtain, clean the bathroom mirror, and close the toilet lid
- Fold your guest towels
- Consider accessibility features that may help your guest
After the shoot, I will edit the photos to make sure everything looks just right and upload them photos to Dropbox. This process typically takes 1 to 2 days.